A series about a friendship between two girls in the Lower East Side and Chinatown, NYC. It originally started as a joke between friends. Please be advised that it is probably offensive and very NSFW, lol.
I did comic for the Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the Lower East Side. It's in support of the SBJSA. Read more about it here.
A series of three stories about love. They're "atypical" love stories and they all take place in Los Angeles. I unwittingly began the project with my friend Brian when he mentioned that Ms. Pacman has a lot to say about love. We pretty much just made a comic about ourselves and used our friends Jasmin and Anastasia as stand ins for us (haha!). Over the years I found myself working on a couple more comics about love, the second being written by my friend Dan about his (then) recently failed relationship. The final in the trio was also written by me (a rarity) and served as a sort of farewell to Los Angeles, where I'm from. It concerns someone who is obsessed with a singer called "El Gallo", who is in actual fact, Morrissey, who had a huge following in Los Angeles at the time of my writing. I wonder, is this still true?